Different Symptoms of Lung Disease

Image courtesy of Praisaeng / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
While there are many who go to their doctor complaining about certain symptoms that eventually are diagnosed as lung diseases it is also a fact that many of the same illnesses go undiagnosed. For some, the symptoms are not too clear and may be shunned of as a minimal cause for worry. Yet one should not be quick to conclude especially if this involves your health.

There are lung disease symptoms that should prompt you to visit your doctor and get yourself checked up. The most common and perhaps the most shunned off as minor is coughing. While some will indeed be able to fight off cough in days with a healthy and fully functional immune system some will not be able to recover. At worse, their cough keeps coming back a sure sign and symptom that a whole lot may be going on behind your coughing.

Coughing is good if it allows you to get rid of the mucus and clearing your airways. Clearing the mucus out is good since this contains bacteria and should be cleared from the body. There are some who have coughs and in which traces of blood can be seen; there are also some who have coughs accompanied with fever. These cases and set of symptoms warrant a visit to your doctor. You should have yourself checked up immediately and so that treatment will be administered right away.

Another symptom of a lung disease is having chest pains. If accompanied by cough and fever, the condition should be referred to a doctor. Other symptoms of lung disease to watch out for include having shortness of breath and producing a wheezing sound. Shortness of breath has been repeated many times before as a condition that should not be excused as a natural part of aging because it simply is not. The wheezing sound may result from a blockage in the airways due to excessive mucus secretion, inflammation and the like.

Whenever you observe such symptoms, it would be worth your concern and see your doctor the soonest you can. Do not dismiss such symptoms as minor and hope that such will go away, as it did before. Your current condition may not be the same as before in fact, it may have worsened when you did not seek medical attention when you first encountered such symptoms.

Different lung diseases will have different treatments for it considering as well that each individual will also have different conditions and existing degrees of the disease. Whether it be asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, stiffening of the lungs, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, respiratory failure and lung cancer will be approached differently and uniquely for each case.

You cannot self-prescribe and pattern your treatment to what you know worked for some individuals. Go for medical check up and have your medication prescribed by your doctor. This way, you are sure you are getting the right medicines and treatment for your specific lung disease.

What you can do if you fortunately don't have a lung disease yet is to keep yourself healthy. Keep your immune system strong by taking supplements on top of the nutritious foods you eat. Exercise will also help keep your immune system in tip-top shape. Take in supplements as vitamins and minerals ensuring you are taking the recommended daily dose of these.

There are also vaccinations available and flu shots - if you want to be more proactive about preventing lung diseases. You can ask your doctor what are right for your case and when to have such. It may also be to your best interest to avoid contact with individuals who may have respiratory infections. Proper personal hygiene will certainly help as well in your efforts to avoid catching viruses that may lead to a lung disease.

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How To Deal With Asthma

How To Deal With Asthma
Image courtesy of marin / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
One who has asthma will experience difficulty of breathing every once in a while. Such episodes are usually caused by triggers that make his airways constrict and thus allowing only a small amount of air into his system. With only a small amount going into the lungs, correspondingly, only a small amount of oxygen will reach the different parts of the body. That is why, in worst-case scenarios some have died because of severe asthma attacks.

One must understand that one cannot cure asthma; one can however address the symptoms of it to minimize the effects. One must first understand though how such condition operates in order to better appreciate what is going on inside his body when he has asthma attacks.

One can start by picturing the airways that bring oxygen in and out the lungs. Now imagine an inflamed inner wall of these airways how do you think this condition would affect your respiratory system? With asthma, the inner walls of your airways are swollen and are very sensitive to things you are allergic to.

With triggers that swell your airways, less air becomes available for circulation. Common triggers are molds, smoke, pets, grass pollens, cold air, polluted air, dust and in some cases, exercise. Infections that are caused by viruses also trigger asthma attacks.

The narrow airways make it difficult for more air or oxygen to reach the lungs for distribution. The narrow airways also cause you to make that wheezing sound during breathing. Additional symptoms of asthma include chest tightness, coughing and shortness of breath.

Asthma attacks or episodes as they are called aptly describes the condition wherein the symptoms are worse than they usually are. During such episodes, the inner walls of the airways have become more swollen, the muscles around the airways are constricting the area and mucus are present inside making it more difficult for the patient to breath. In worst conditions, there becomes a depletion of oxygen supply in the vital organs making it a very dangerous state for the patient to be in.

Again, asthma has no cure but this can be controlled to a point where the individual concerned can live near normal lives. Treatment can be categorized as relievers or preventers. Relievers relax the muscle spasm thereby remedying tight breathing. Preventers on the other hand will suppress the inflammation.

It is thus best for an individual with asthma to constantly schedule a session with his doctor for check up. One needs to be informed well with his condition and how he can effectively address his asthma symptoms. He can also ask certain myths about asthma so that he can proceed with sufficient knowledge about his condition. Asthma is a bad enough condition and not being knowledgeable about it will put you in a bind as to how to go about your health - and life in general.

Without giving your asthma condition its due attention you will most likely be affected in other aspects of your life as school and work. You may also tend to live a sedentary lifestyle giving up in doing things you like as sports and more. So if you don't want to miss out on the important things in your life and in the fun activities you can do take a proactive role in addressing your asthma problem.

Work with your doctor to get your asthma in control by preventing severe symptoms from coming out. You will also have to consistently monitor your condition to fight any signs of an attack not having to wait before it gets serious enough beyond your control.

Medications as prescribed by your doctor should be taken as scheduled and you should provide timely feedback to him if you are not responding to the medicines. This ensures you will be given the most fitting medication for your case, which would result to keeping your asthma within control meaning a life that is close to normal without those pesky asthma attacks.

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How To Get Rid Of Acne

How To Get Rid Of Acne
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Acne is primarily known to affect your face yet this can also be found on one's chest, neck shoulders, back and other parts of the body. Excess oil secreted by an overactive sebaceous gland mixes with dead skin cells and thereby blocking the skin pores this is how acne starts to form. With the introduction of bacteria, the pores become inflamed.

Acne could be considered to be one problem that disturbs many, especially the teens, who are found to experience this condition more - as they go through their puberty stage. Not to be exempted as well are the adults who worry much about their looks - when going to work or in other public places.

Acne is especially of concern to many if this is found in the face. Unlike the other parts of the body, you can do only so much to hide your face with whiteheads, blackheads and pimples on it. Those who have acne in their chests and backs may not have to deal with the concern of other people seeing it yet controlling acne should still be a concern, as this is a skin problem.

Some teens would like to approach treatment of acne by aggressively rubbing their faces with strong cleansers yet this may just irritate your skin more making your acne worse. It is believed to better approach it gently and cleaning it moderately will be enough. Using the proper skin cleansers will also be necessary and this is why it is best to consult your dermatologist about it.

Usually, cleansers with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid are used for mild acne. Benzoyl peroxide helps unclog pores and kills the bacteria. It also helps against the inflammation of the skin. Salicylic acid aids in effectively shedding off the dead cells of the skin.

Whiteheads and blackheads have been observed to respond well to salicylic acid. While for pimples, you may want to use a cleanser with benzoyl peroxide as an active ingredient. It is also advisable to use one product at a time for you acne problems though there are a lot of acne treatment products out there that you can use. Tempting it may be to give your acne all you've got this may work to your disadvantage. So take your acne treatment one step at a time.

It may also be to your benefit if you start to recognize the factors that may result to acne. Knowing these will empower you to take an active role in preventing an acne breakout. Factors as bad cosmetics and use of birth control pills; then there are hormone problems and stress factors that will contribute to your having an acne. Being able to proactively address these factors will put more weapons in your arsenal in your fight against acne.

While most treatments for acne are available over the counter, such approach is only advisable if the degree or grade of your acne is mild. Self treatment may be possible but one must try to learn first what he or she might be trying to do. Especially when you are treating your face with acne, it might not be wise to experiment and leave your looks to chance.

At any rate, consulting an expert in skin care is still the best option for you. They have the right knowledge and experience to approach your case appropriately. The chances of addressing your acne problems effectively is definitely higher than by doing it all by yourself. You also don't have to research and learn such skin problems and their treatments by yourself fittingly, you will be leaving your skin problems to the hands of the experts.

And during treatment, one must accept the fact that you can't just expect to get rid of acne in just days. Like all things, it must run its natural course. And while you are still in the process, you should keep your head high and not allow yourself to be too conscious of your skin condition. Remember, you are not the only dealing with acne but even if you are what good does it do to think lowly of yourself?

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The Different Types Of Sleep Disorders

The Different Types Of Sleep Disorders
Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Whether in play or in work, one will not be there a hundred percent if his mind & body are tired for a lack of sleep. He will not have the necessary focus and concentration in order to play his best or work with all he can. He will not be very effective with anything he does - as his mind may still be disoriented and dazed. His body will feel fatigued and he will not have the right physical condition to carry out tasks and activities efficiently.

Sleep deprivation will cause you to feel irritable during daytime. Your memory will not work to your advantage and you seem unable to make your mind work. Your reaction will be slow both mentally and physically. You may also not want to want to interact socially as your mood prevents you from enjoying the company of others.

There are many sleep disorders among the most common includes insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome and periodic limb movements in sleep. Each differ in how they affect the individual with the sleep disorder - and each case should be treated differently.

With the case of insomnia for example, one will have difficulty sleeping at night. One will also usually awaken at night with this sleep disorder. Insomnia may be short-term or a chronic type. Possible causes include poor bedtime habits, certain medical conditions and stress. With such a case, remedies include subscribing to ideal bedtime practices and by relaxation techniques.

Sleep apnea is one sleep disorder wherein your breathing stops during sleep. It will take around 15 seconds before one starts to breathe again. This will occur however at around 25 times per hour leaving you with a very low quality of sleep. An effect of sleep apnea is the lower amount of oxygen that your body will get. Some causes of sleep apnea are obesity, smoking, enlarged tonsils and nasal congestion. Treatments include addressing your weight problems, avoiding alcohol right before sleep and sleeping on your side. One may also opt for oral devices or the types of continuous positive airway pressure devices.

Narcolepsy is one wherein the concerned individual has difficulty staying a wake even though you may have had enough sleep the night before. This adversely affects your daily life your schooling, work and your extra curricular activities. Narcolepsy is one that stays with you throughout your lifetime. With certain approaches, one can address narcolepsy in order to improve the negative effects of this condition. Medications commonly used here are antidepressants and stimulants. With improved lifestyle changes and a good diet along with said medications, you will be positively aiding in bettering your condition.

With restless leg syndrome (RLS), you will not feel comfortable keeping your feet steady during sleep. You will have that urge to move - and only by moving around will you eliminate the discomfort. Others will dismiss this as restlessness - when in fact they already have RLS. RLS is basically a central nervous system disorder however this may also surface when you have anemia, thyroid problems and diabetes. Treatments for RLS include electrical stimulation and some drugs to suppress muscle contractions.

As with any health condition or problem, a sleep disorder needs to be referred to your physician especially if this comes in the way of being effective in your work and has been a nuisance in your normal lifestyle. It is best to keep a sleep diary so that you can document your sleep patterns and experiences. You may also want somebody to take note of his or her observations when you sleep. Your doctor will be able to use the information you have in your sleep diary, in coming up with a treatment suitable for your condition.

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